• Helpful Sites!

  • Sittercity.com
    Sittercity.com is a website for families that are looking for babysitters, nannies, senior care providers, tutors and more.
  • Study Guides & Strategies
    This site starts with 12 main topics, including studying, reading skills, taking tests, and more. Then, within these topics there are over 100 different learning guides.
  • WebMD
    The WebMD site includes a symptom checklist, pharmacy info, blogs on specific topics, and more.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
    The NAEYC represents early childhood education teachers, experts, and advocates in center-based and family day care.
  • WI Dept. of Public Instruction
    This web site offers quick connections to school district web sites all across Wisconsin.
  • WI Dept. of Children & Families
    The Department of Children and Families promotes the economic and social well-being of Wisconsin's children and families.

find a daycare

If you live in Jefferson, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, or Waukesha County, we can help you find licensed "family" and "group" daycare centers near your home.

It's easy. Just enter an address in the space below, select "go," and you'll retrieve names, addresses, and numbers for the centers that meet your criteria.

Our search tool let's you choose how far away from a given address you want to search. You can also request only licensed family or group daycare centers, or only centers certified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

To help make this page even more useful we've included, in the sidebar to the right, links to web sites that address several common family needs and issues.

how to search

step 1: fill in the blanks below, then select "go."

A Google map and info will appear showing centers that match your criteria.



step 2: use the on-screen info, or print it, to make follow-up contact with a center.

Please note: Go Kid Go Transport & Tours, LLC does not endorse any daycare center.

day care resources

You can see if a daycare center has ever been cited by the state for licensing violations by clicking on the link below, then entering the location and name of a particular center.

You can check the name or names of those associated with a given daycare against both the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Registry, and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry.